Thursday, June 14, 2007


Has been hearing in FM972, DJ mention abt blog, and become interest in going to view the DJ's blog. Recently through Yong Mei blog and her program, 男生女生配, got to know Nicole and just chat with a lady in MSN called Yumi. Am glad that through this blog blog things, have got to know new friends. Hope to make more new friends through this blog blog things.


piglet~ said...

Make more new friends through here? Haha.. How come I never think of this? =)

Nicole Hah said...


just now we (july, michelle, jane, lavender) already date want to came out for dinner, but not yet know when is it! after confirm i will let you know.

have a nice weekend!

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Hi Piglet,
thks for visiting my blog... Hope that i can be your friend 2... hehe...

Have a great weekend...

Hi Nicole,
too bad my working place is not near to tg pagar, if not will have a chance to meetup with u folks...

U 2 have a nice weekend...

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