Wednesday, September 03, 2008

RSAF Open House - 30th Aug - Part 2 of 2

Luckily that day when go to the open house, it was a sunny day as it has been rainy day in Singapore for some time before that.

Look at the entrance, it was so crowded with people visiting the open house.

Mobile Air Traffic Control Tower

Some of the craft are open for visitors to go in to take a look at it, but manage to get into one of the craft only as there's a long queue at every crafts that is open for people to view in.


Hazel said...

wow,the craft is big and Nelson enjoy seeing it

迷迭香 said...

no photos taken from the inside ? :p

Anonymous said...

wonder how is look like in the craft..

Akira 思胜 said...

Got souvenir from there? Hehe...

L-5 said...


Did u enter the lucky draw for chance to take a ride in the aircraft?


lazy mum said...

Wow..the photos takaen looks so cool. i like the craft

JiaNi said...

woow..the craft looks so wish i can be there...

Kikey Loo said...

i went once at Penang one, but not that much to see..

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Hi Hazel

So happy to hear that Nelson enjoy seeing it... :)

Hi 阿香

See that nobody taking picture, i also 不好意思 take picture...

Hi Choyyin

A little bit similar to those aircraft see at the airport...

Hi Akira

They got sell souvenir, but find nothing special, so didn't get any...

Hi L-5

Nope as a lot of people, don't think will stand a chance to win the lucky draw...

Hi Yuyu

Thanks for visiting my blog...

Hi Jiani

Thanks for visiting my blog...

Next round if there is another round of open house, do come SG and visit it ya..

Hi Kikey


Kate said...


Somewhere in Singapore said...

Hi Kate

As for me, this is my first time there...

Kate said...

路军,空军,海军3种open house 我都去过了。哈哈哈!很会跑哦!

Somewhere in Singapore said...

hahaha... U went to quite a lot of place ya... hehe...

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