Monday, August 20, 2007

Light Fruit Cake Baked on 16th August 2007

The receipe stated Sultanas and Mixed peel but i do not have these 2 items and as i have Mixed Fruits, i decided to try out this Light Fruit Cake using Mixed Fruits, but the bottom was burnt after baking. And i ask my mum to bring the cake for my 四姑.


franlanto said...


Wow… your 四姑 is so lucky。 Hey… I am your jie jie, when are you going to bake for me huh?
Your Fruit cake have improved. 加油! :)

Nicole Hah said...

SIS is very hardworking le, every weekend sure will bake something! your family member are lucky.

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Hi Mary,

if u don't mind my lousy skill...

Hi Nicole,

Getting lazier liao nowaday...

Kate said...

发现到你也很会做蛋糕耶!而且都做的很好。下一次做蛋糕,纪的留一些给我哦!我在叫DHL 去跟你拿“货”!

Somewhere in Singapore said...


U make me very pai seh leh, i still have a long long long.... way to learn...

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