Sunday, November 25, 2007

Photo taking of Orchard Road Light-up on 24th November 2007

Was at Orchard Road yesterday and decided to take some picture of the light-up.

Christmas Tree at Takashimaya

Photo taken in the afternoon

One of the picture is taken outside Hereen and the other one is opposite Hereen

Outside Paragon

Christmas Tree outside Paragon

A close up of the deco of the christmas tree outside Paragon

At CK Tang

Outside Isetan Scotts

Outside Isetan Scotts

Outside Isetan Scotts

Outside Boarder Wheelock Place


Richard said...

I will also make a trip there if free, that's what I did every year....

Eileen said...


How's the atmosphere there? Is it crowded? Nowadays I seldom go Orchard Road.

Sherrie said...


so u went to "light up" Orchard road ar?? heehee

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Hi Richard


Hi Eileen

Ya, it's crowded, somemore it's sat, but not sure got any caroling anot this year, last year or d year before, got caroling....

Hi Shirley

ya... hehe...

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