Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Coconut Lime Syrup Cake

Have ask Aunty Irene to teach me how to do Cocount Lime Syrup Cake last time and she taught me over the phone how to do it. Have wanted to do it on Saturday night but engross by the incident that happened near my house, so only did it yesterday. Actually i hesitate to post it up because i did it till it don't looks good. It crack on the top and also that it's a bit burnt of the both side. But in the end i put it up, if not wait Aunty Irene will think that i didn't do it.


Sherrie said...


Coconut lime syrup cake, nice?

AJ said...


the top looks abt burnt but inside looks good leh, how does it taste? should be good right?


Sally said...



Adeline said...

好吃就行了。哎呀糟了,我也做了好多蛋糕没post,Aunty Irene,我也是有做哦!kekeke

Irene said...

你的 coconut lime syrup cake 大肚子和crack on the top!知道为什么吗?

我叫你用 20cm square baking tin! 为什么你用圆形的?你是没听清楚还是你没有square baking tin?


Somewhere in Singapore said...

Hi Shirley/Jas

ok lor... a bit sour sour...

Hi Sally

hehe... have DHL to u for supper 2nite... hehe...

Hi Adeline

Hope to see your new post...

Hi Aunty Irene

hehe... I hear wrongly, so i use the round 1...

My square baking tin cannot open bottom type lor....

L-5 said...

Hi Sharon,

Nice cake u bake.... I believe u will bake a better one next time :)

There is a saying : 失败是成功之母.


May said...


Your cake a bit burnt and crack on top, but can see the texture inside quite nice, try again, believe that u can bake better next time.

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Hi L-5/May

Thank u for your encouragement... :)

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