Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ayam Masak Merah - Red Chicken Curry

Happen to be at the Eat Well for Less, Choose Frozen Meat Roadshow on sun and they gave out a small booklet where inside is recipe, Ayam Masak Merah - Red Chicken Curry looks interesting, so i decided to try it out.


L-5 said...


Ur curry looks delicious...


Dorene said...

sharon, you curry look delicious, so did you keep some for me?

Becky said...

Hi Sharon,

The Curry chicken looks very yummy & delicious..can share recipe? :)

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Hi L-5

Thanks for visiting my blog...

Indeed it is delicious....

Hi Dorene

Sorry, i cook small portion, so all inside stomah liao... hehe...

Hi Becky

What's your email address? I go home, type it out, then email to u...

Margaret said...

Hi Sharon

Your red curry chicken looks very delicious...yummy..

Did you buy some meats from the Roadshow?

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Hi Margaret

No leh, did't buy anything from the roadshow...

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